How Many Plants Is Too Much And Should We Add Whilst Cycling?

You have too many plants when there is literally no room for the fish to swim and the water temp is uneven throughout the tank. Basically 99% of the tank is taken up by plants from gravel to surface, corner to corner. Your tank may be be able to support enough plants that you need to worry about this. It can happen surprisingly quick with high tech tanks though...
There is no such thing as too many plants in my experience. More plants simply mean that the fish are more comfortable and are secure in their ability to hide. When they feel that secure, I find that I see them more often. The only limit that I know for the number of plants in a tank is your personal decorating preferences. I really don't care about my tanks for decoration so I go with more rather than less plants. This tank has far more fish in it than many people would ever recommend for such a small tank, at only 40 gallons, but the fish thrive and the water in the tank is pristine because the plants handle any poisons being generated. You can see a few of the fish in the tank right up against the glass in the picture.

Note: The fish in that tank are Xenotaenia resolanae, a rather uncommon livebearing goodeid from Mexico. Livebearer specialists will often have such hard to find fish and are always happy when their fish breed out of control, as those guys do.
How's it going now jotto?

Really well I think!
Here is my post regarding water testing etc,
As you can see we have had 7 days of pretty good results.

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