How Many People....


Jan 18, 2007
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Just wondering how many people bought a small tank and then upgraded to a larger tank almost mmediately?

I bought a baby biorb and then two weeks later upgraded to my trigon 190.

Anyone else do the same?

yep started with a 35 ltr, then a couple of weeks later had a 60 ltr, a couple of months later a 200 ltr . now have too many to be funny :)
Well with my trigon 190 and my fluval 600, I'm looking to add to it AGAIN. im looking at a Rio 125 and another tank im not sure what it is at the moment but its 65 litres.
I actually started out with a big one, heard it was spose to be easier from a friend, otherwise I robably woulden't.
Started off with a 29g bowfront, moved to a 45g in 6 weeks, and now am sitting on 7 tanks... lol
Started off with a 29g bowfront, moved to a 45g in 6 weeks, and now am sitting on 7 tanks... lol
I started with a 27 litre and stayed with it for 18 months (moving house a lot etc). Finally got the MTS bug when replaced it with a 20 gal, then had to keep it running. Bought a 15gal to replace the little one again, then a 47gal to replace the 15gal! I now have the 20, 47 and original tank running, with the 15gal about to go on ebay (can't justify another tank, limited space in my apartment)

So essentially no. It took me a while to upgrade my first tank :)
I originally bought a 10 gallon tank, then within a month bought a 29gallon tank and about a month after that I got a 55gallon tank... I've been fine with these tanks now, but I'm getting to the "I want a larger tank" stage again lol
I bought a 10 gal tank then i upgraded my tank to a 33 gal tank after 1 year.

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