How Many People?

in the las few months we have bought 3 tanks a little one for fry when they r born and a 3 foot and a 4 foot. :)
Got 7 tanks, ranging from 300l to 25l - and look after one in my girlfriends, all community tanks, except for the semi-brackish goby tank.

Fish range from angels, rtbs, corys, barbs, neons, betta, various loaches, shrimp,
I've (well, "we've") got 2 big tanks, one 6ft x 2ft x 18" (hubby's community and angel tank), and one 6ft x 2ft x 2ft (mine - severums, festivums and plecs). I've got a 2ft tank waiting to be set up, lord knows what I'm doing with it yet - it was an impulse Ebay buy :lol: I'd have more tanks given the chance, but with the two 6fts in our living room, and the shelving holding my land snail collection in my dining room, my rats in our bedroom, and 5 kids and a dog milling about - we're kind of full up :blink:

I'm sure I could squeeze a cube in somewhere though....
:lol: I know what you mean Lisa, the only thing keeping me from getting more tanks is the fear on ending up in the apartment below me.

And yet, I have to keep talking myself out of more. "No, no, Dawn, you don't need another tank." "Yes I do, one more won't hurt." :lol:
We have 1 x 125litre, 60, 36 and a 30litre tanks, still waiting for my PFK Nano tank :)
i have 12 all shoved in my room!!! my mother thinks that the floor will collapse, and it wouldnt suprise me!!!!
were down to 5 now,

a 30 g marine reef tank,
a 80 gal with an oscar a syno a parot fish and a plec
a 60 gal hightec planted
an 8 gal betta
and a 5 gal betta

water change day is fun in our house

dunno what you mean, water change day is a piece of cake...... binkys tank only takes me 10 minutes, then i can just hide upstairs until your done :p :lol:
I'm so glad my hubby's not a member here, otherwise the whole world would know how lazy I am ;)

Well I cant help it if I cant do water changes. Tis a man's job anyhoo..
Thanks every1 for replying. so it appears most have at least 2 tanks, and im thinking of getting a 'smaller' tank for now till i move then upgrade to a bigger tank , but for now will keep to simpleish fish. :)

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