How Many People?


New Member
Dec 4, 2006
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So does any body here have more than 1 tank?, if so do you have a small tank and a large tank? :) :good:
I've recently upgraded from a 20 litre to a 80 litre so I only have 1 tank. I might get a small second tank as a hospital tank and maybe if I can persuade the missus a small 20 litre for the living room for some neons
I've recently upgraded from a 20 litre to a 80 litre so I only have 1 tank. I might get a small second tank as a hospital tank and maybe if I can persuade the missus a small 20 litre for the living room for some neons
regards the 20 litre tank, what size would that be?, and what could you fit in a tank that size?. as i was thinking of getting a small tank then when i move get a bigger tank. :)

:lol: Check my profile.
:blink: wooo thats a lot of tanks you must have big house :lol:
I have 3, one 15g (stocked) one 10g (stocked) and one 20g (unstocked).
I have another tank on its way though.
As my sig says I have a 55 and a 20 gal... soon to have a 90-120 gal!
I have four running right now, a 105, 20, another 20, and a 5 gallon with a betta. I really want to cut it down to one tank, 2 at the most.

Do you guys prefer quantity or quality?
I like my tanks to look nice before I invest in another.
wayne1983 said:
regards the 20 litre tank, what size would that be?, and what could you fit in a tank that size?. as i was thinking of getting a small tank then when i move get a bigger tank.
the 20 litre is a 5 gallon tank. It doesn't really hold that much. The maximum I ever had in it was 1 neon tetra, 2 glowligh tetras and 2 platys.
I suppose it wouldn't do too bad as a tetra tank. At a sueeze you could get 6 or 7 tetras in it but it's not big enough for a community tank. It's great as a starter tank but after a while you'll find yourself wanting to upgrade to something bigger again
:lol: Check my profile.
:blink: wooo thats a lot of tanks you must have big house :lol:

Actually all but 2 tanks are in an 8' x 16' room. The 65 is in the living room, 72 in the family room.

You can have quantity without sacrificing quality. 14 of my tanks have no substrate, and are cleaner than the ones with substrate. From a fish's point of view, that's quality.

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