How Many People To Lift The Tank Please Help?


Fish Fanatic
May 12, 2009
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How many people will I need to lift a 6 by 2 by 2, do you think it'll be difficult getting it up stairs?
will the tank be empty? if so I think 2 men would be able to do it maybe 3 as stairs arnt very wide you could slide it up being very careful, if full of water ermm.. no chance
will the tank be empty? if so I think 2 men would be able to do it maybe 3 as stairs arnt very wide you could slide it up being very careful, if full of water ermm.. no chance

it took 2 2move my tank witch is 7-2-2 but had an other 2 on stand by 2help & we had 2 lift this above our heads 2 put it trou a window about 6ft off the ground

ull get it in if u realy want 2 but the more men the better
Two adults can carry it empty. It is heavy though and they're difficult to carry up stairs, just due to the size & weight. 3-4 people makes it much easier.
i think im just being paranoid just the bloke who im buying it of said he struggled with 4 people :l
If you are moving it up the staircase, all of the weight ends up on the guy on the bottom. It will definitely need at least 2 people at that end alone. I moved a 6 ft tank across a room with no stairs involved and it was like trying to move a refrigerator by myself. I actually was able to slide it on the carpeting and it was still I could do to move it alone. It would have taken at least 2 people to lift it clear of the floor and manhandling it up stairs will be much worse.
This is why we may all want to see a movie of the operation Geordie! :lol: ...or at least a good write-up! You're getting us interested, lol.
How many people will I need to lift a 6 by 2 by 2, do you think it'll be difficult getting it up stairs?

if its filled with water i heard its 10lb per gallon so i guess that how you'd find out how much it weighs. and make an assumption of how many peopel you need to lift it
Except for tiny tanks you can't move them with water in them (or shouldn't!), they'll just break, assuming you could even get them lifted. -wd-
What sort of flooring do you have to put something that size upstairs???
That sounds like a 180 gallon, 275-300 pounds empty, if it's a commercial tank it will be closer to 350 pounds. 4-5 strong guys for a difficult move, if I'm not mistaken this is the one you are trying to squeeze up a tight stairway. Include one extra person, this person is in charge of opening & holding doors, putting down a thick piece of foam for when you do rest that tank on end, and retrieving beverages. A girlfriend or wife works nicely for the extra person.
What sort of flooring do you have to put something that size upstairs???
a normal floor with joists

ok just thinking thats around 680 litres of water which will weigh 680kg before the weight of the tank itself + equipment. As per a few other recent threads make sure you run accross the joists, not along them and consider a structural engineer to take a look first :good:
i rekon 2 blokes could do it, and then get a little minion to make sure it doesnt bang into anything going round corners

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