How many ottos ?


Fish Herder
Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Niagara, Canada
I'm in the process of stocking a 36" 33gal tank (planted, bogwood, rocks, oak leaves, sand) and I have decided on some otocinclus. Question is, how many can I reasonably keep? I understand they like to be kept in groups and I was thinking 6, maybe 8 depending on which species is available to me. What do you think?
So far I have
16 neons
4 false network corys (C. sodalis)
3 cockatoo cichlids (Apistogramma cacatuoides) 1m/2f (no, they don't bother ottos)

The plan is to add the otos and leave it at that. The only other thing I "might" add to this tank would be a small group of either dwarf pencilfish or hatchetfish.
Most people advised me that about 4 would be good for my tank (this was the thread)

Since your tank is almost twice as large as mine I suppose you could stock about twice that. That's in terms of tank size at least, I'm afraid others will have to comment on compatibility with the other fish etc, etc.

I would warn that I lost all four after about 5 weeks. Not trying to put you off - just saying that they are apparently weak. Some others have no probs though.

Good luck with it all :)
i have around 12 or so in a 4ft tank no problems whatso ever, great little cats these.
Although otos are not a community fish as such they are gregarious by nature and do prefer to be in groups of 4 or more.
I ended up getting 6 of them, 2 weeks ago. They are doing very well and have settled in nicely. I really like these fish, first time I have kept them. I've already noticed that my plants are looking much better (cleaner) so they are doing a good job. They also like algae wafers.

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