How Many Ottos For A 30 Gallon?


Oct 9, 2006
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I have 1...gonna add another. dont want anymore tho......or should i get 2 ottos and 1 shrimp for comprensive algea cleaning? i have some brown algea
Get three ottos alltogether and u can get a few amano shrimp to help too if you want, you can get quite a few as they dont add much to the bio load.
I also agree that 3 would be perfect. I have 2 in my 29 and I don't ever see algae. I do have a couple of plants though. Three will definitely take care of your tank.

Ottos are the definition of "best bang for your buck"

If you can try to look for some that have a full belly. I've heard those are the ones most likely to survive the trip home. :good:
Ottos are shoaling fish and do best in groups.For a 30gal tank I would get at least 6.

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