How Many More Fishies Can I Get?


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Well, I should know how to do this by now, but I'm dumb, so I need someone elses help. :X I was wondering how many more fish I could fit In my 25 gallon? The current fish residing in the tank are listed below in my siggy. The tank has both an external filter that was made for tanks size 30+, and an undergravel filter. I'm also going to be removing Kaiser, the betta, as he likes my platies fins :/, and when the pleco gets too large he'll be going into a 55 gallon, that I'm (hopefully) going to be getting started on shortly, so those two fish will be out of the tank soon.

If I can fit more in the tank, I'd like to get some more top dwelling fish, as nearly all of my fish hang out at the bottom of the tank, including the danios for some odd reason. :/

I just don't want to overstock the tank and have unhappy miserable fish, so I figured I'd leave it up to the experts. :nod:
a pair of gouramis would fit nicely and add to your upper layer fish.

if it were bigger I'd say a clown loach....tehcnically they're bottom layer fish but my clowns can never make up their mind and they're sorta amusing.
how long have you been keeping fish?

that filter system sounds like it'll cope with a larger load than normally reccomended. i'd work on 1.5" to 2" per gallon if the tanks been up and running a while (6months+)

but dont take my word for it.
you'll need to keep on top of water changes and filter maintanence.
Sky - Thanks for the suggestion...I would love to get some Gouramis and Clowns, but I'm going to be starting a 55 gallon Gourami/Clown Loach/Eel tank soon, and I'll be having a bunch of both in there. ;)

smithrc - I've been keeping fish on and off for over 12 years. The only reason it wasn't very steady, is because I moved a lot when I was younger. The tank I have now, my boyfriend bought second hand for me at a rummage sale, and the previous owners wern't quite sure of what to get when they bought it, so they went a bit overboard on the filtering products. :p I've had this tank up and running for about a month and a half now, so it needs to be a little more established before I start adding anything too expensive. But I do keep on top of cleaning...every Monday I do a 20% water change and cleaning, and every two weeks I change the carbon filters. ;) :flex:
if it were me, i'd be going towards the 2" per gallon mark then. (based on adult size).

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