How Many More Fish Can I Have


Dec 17, 2008
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I currently have:

3 honey gouramis
1 dwarf gouramis
3 guppies

and I want 1 more honey gourami and some otto catfish, how many ottos can i have or is my tank allready full????

tank is 10 gallons.
I'm asking a similar question about stocking ant apparently the rule of thumb is 1inch of fish per us gallon, at the moment you have 13.25 inches of fish.

lol my tank looks empty still even with 7 fish in so far thoe? I know they grow but not much.
I thought the same, i've got a 24.5 gallon tank, and started off with 6 platys, they looked lost, now 4 weeks on they've grown to a reasonable size i'd say about 3-4 cm each, it doesn't take long!!!! :nod:
In a ten galon, get 5 or 6 otos.

Greenscooby how big is your tank?
Ottos are very tiny, not very messy and won't put much more strain on the bio load in your tank - so you could add a couple of those. So long as you are doing regular tank maintenance and water changes you should even be able to put the extra honey gourami in there.

But if you do add these extra fish, keep a watchful eye on things for a few weeks to make sure there are no signs of any stress or illness developing.

Some people do overstock slightly with no problems - and these days with good filtration and water changes you can get away with adding a bit more than the 1" per gallon rule (although it is always a good place to begin at).

This ones been up and running for about 5 weeks i got caught with the fish-in cycle - don't ask!! :angry:

2 per gallon, roll on 6 months, maybe treat myself again then!!
my tank has done the fishless cycle which took 2 months and had fish in 2 weeks.
Green wait for 3 months minimum before you add the otos. Ideally you should wait for 6 months.

In your tank you can add 16 otos.
I would hold off on the ottos for a few months till your tank establishes itself.......They are very sensitive little fish.....Once your tank has been up and running for about 4 months if your water parameters are fine you should add them then...........They are great little algae eaters and very fun to watch
i dont understand what the difference would be in now and 4 months down the line, my tank would be the same????? still removes ammonia and nitrite? etc...
Green wait for 3 months minimum before you add the otos. Ideally you should wait for 6 months.

In your tank you can add 16 otos.

16 Ottos? :look:

Not sure adding that amount of Ottos to a tank would be wise as they can be difficult to feed - grazing on algae or dead plant leaves - even if you add algae wafers or veggies for them, the other fish tend to eat those off and the little Ottos are too shy to barge their way in amongst the other fish, usually.

i dont understand what the difference would be in now and 4 months down the line, my tank would be the same????? still removes ammonia and nitrite? etc...
ottos have a low survival rate in captivity. they should be added to an established tank to make sure, that there are no swings, or rapid changes and that your tank can get some algae growing for them to live on.

i would add about 6-8 no more no less

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