How Many More Can I Have?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
I currently have a Roma 90 tank with 6 copper rasboras, 8 black neons & 6 sterbai.

My Sterbai are very skittish & shoot off & hide whenever anyone approaches the tank. Would increasing their numbers help their confidence & if so, how many more could I add to the tank.
Hi Macko1968 :)

How many gallons is your tank? Please tell me the temperature of the water too. Do you know if your C. sterbai are wild caught or if they were tank raised? If not, were they big when you got them or small? How long have you had them?
Hi Macko1968 :)

How many gallons is your tank? Please tell me the temperature of the water too. Do you know if your C. sterbai are wild caught or if they were tank raised? If not, were they big when you got them or small? How long have you had them?

Hi Inchworm

The tank is 90 litres / 23 US gallons, temp is a steady 25 degrees. I believe they were tank bred & they are currently an inch long, excluding their tails. I've had them about 6 weeks.

When there's no-one moving about they come out & play in the bubble curtain & have a good old root round the sand.
Macko1968 :)

All corys spend periods of time resting and, provided the other fish are not aggressive toward them, this can be considered normal behavior. As schooling fish, when one moves, the others will often follow. Tred lightly when you approach the tank because they can feel the vibrations as you walk. Since they are tank raised, they will become more comfortable as they grow up.

If you can keep your nitrates low, try adding two more of them. You might also try raising the temperature of their tank a little, if it's acceptable for the other fish. Unlike many corys, C. sterbai like warmer water, in the 75 to 82 F. range. (24-28 C.) While your tank is already in the safe range, perhaps they will be more relaxed if it's a little warmer.

Please be sure they are getting enough to eat. The top swimmers will grab it all, if they can. :D
Thanks very much for the advice, I've notched the temp up a couple of degrees. As Im regimented with my water changes I'll introduce a couple more sterbais this weekend.

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