How Many Live Plants For A 55 Litre Tropical Tank?


New Member
Jun 9, 2012
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I had a bit of an issue where I added three live plants to my first fishless cycle and caused a huge spike in Nitrate (somehow...) Anyway, now I am in the midst of a fishless cycle, I want to know - how many plants for a 55 litre tank? As it is I think I have a type of Hygrophila and a Hornwort and something else that looks like spindly lettuce...not sure of the name. Is this too many or enough? They are not huge, about 7inch tall at the mo, and not a lot of foliage.

Thanks for the help/comments,

Hi there

I think the amount of plants you have in any size tank is mostly an aesthetic thing. They key really is what kind of plants your lighting can support and what pleases you to look at. I love looking at pictures of people's planted tanks for inspiration. Have you had a nose around in the planted tanks section of this forum, there are some crackers in there, also in the tank of the month section.
You can't have too many plants :unsure:.

How many plants you have in your tank is down to how you want your tank to look. But yes, you must check lighting and other requirements for the plants you like or you'll just be burning money.
Plants will use up some of the ammonia that you are dosing so may knock your cycle out of line. If you stock enough plants, somewhere around ~70% of your tank then it is possibly to lightly stock your tank with fish. Google silent cycle, it may be of interest to you.
Cheers guys (assuming you're both dudes)

Think I'll stick with the plants I have...assuming they'll grow a little, I don't want to end up with a forest.

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