How many litres

According to the conversion tables on

Gal X 4.55 (UK Gal)
Gal X 3.78514 (US Gal)
Litres are international as they are a metric measurement so a litre in the US is the same as the UK, France etc.

Gallons and pints are imperial measures so these are the ones that can vary. A UK gallon is bigger than an American gallon (surprisingly).

If you want conversion table I've got one that does loads of stuff, more than any sane person would ever need, but I dont know how to post it up on the net or what rules might restrict this. Email or PM me if you'd like a copy- I know how to do that!! ^_^
:D Oh BTW if you are wanting the conversion so you can calculate how many fish you can have, don't forget to take off between 5-7% for the substrate and decor
First off there is no such thing as UK litre. (you did a typo :p )
litres are litres the whole wold over.
any hoo :whistle:

28 UK gal = 127.29032141839998 ltr
28 US gal = 105.99152995200001 ltr

HTH :)

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