How Many Is Too Many?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington, US
I currently in my 55 g (208L) tank have 1 clown loach, 2 yoyo loaches, 1 banjo catfish, 1 common pleco, 2 red tailed sharks (I know 2 is bad but they have been getting along well for 4 weeks...), 2 bala sharks (small 4-5 cm) and 4 angel fish.
This is a strange question:
Is it ok (ie "ethical" "kosher" "cool" etc) to add some more fish (mayne a kuhli loach or two) with the assumption that as the fish grow (especially the bala sharks) I can give them away to a reputable LFS that is able to take larger fish. In essesence doing some tank fish cycling primarily because my young son loves fish and he wants to buy new ones but I know soon these little fish will be big fish that won't fit (the Bala sharks worry me the most (I got them at an allegedly reputable LFS that told me two are perfect for my 55 g tank))

Anyways, off work today and just wondering and rambling on.
Hi, well, you may be able to find a shop which will take your fish when older, but to be honest, it's a bit of a risk to take. Some of the fish you have can grow very large, and whereas I am happy to hear that so far they are getting along OK, this is possibly because they are youngsters. As they get older, it is pretty likely that you will start to experience some problems.
You have a good sized tank, but even that will probably only comfortably house one Bala shark. I think that your best option is to re-home some of your fish now. Some will grow quickly, and you don't want to get 'caught out', ending up with a tank full of warring fish, and nowhere to send them to. Seeing as you are going to be 'cycling' the fish anyway, I think this is the best bet.
I know kids can be difficult, but you could try to show your son how rewarding it can be to buy fish as 'babies', care for them and watch them grow and flourish in a happy, healthy tank, where they all get along. You could even get him to help you look at fish on the internet, and decide which ones will be 'friends', before you go out and buy them.
This is, of course, personal opinion, but I think you should consider it.

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