How Many In 12 Uk Gallon


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I have a lot of guppies in my biger tank and I tried keeping an all male guppy tank but there were some fins nipped and all in all it wasn't a pretty site...I removed the suspects (2 of the males) and I want to try an all male tank again - this time I want to go smaller in case they start to nip each other again. I have decided to stock my bigger tank with some other fish...

So basically my question is...How many male guppies could I keep in a 54 liter/ 12 UK gallon tank? It will have sand as a substrate and will be moderately planted. No females. Was also thinking of keeping a koolie loach with them which is currently in my bigger tank (I know ideally there should be more of them but...)
Oh and for the filtration I am planning to use internal tetra tec filter as i already have it...

if you upgrade your filtration then you could go upto about 16 male guppys in that size tank
there will be a bit of nippage to start with cos they are just testing wehos the most dominant but once this has been established as long as you dont just add a female they will get on ok

add some melafix for the first few days so that any nips wont get infected

good luck sarah x

Ok, so I gave away the female guppies and all the fry that I could catch today...I am in a process of cycling the smaller (12 gallon) tank so the males are curently in the bigger tank with the fry...I will try to catch the remaining fry today and give them away... i am definetly going to move just males in that tank and if I can't catch all the fry, well they will get eaten by the fish I am planing to keep in there anyway, so...(but lets hope I can catch them...).

Ok - so I have 15 male guppies, but will probably keep like 10 and than I will add some bottom feeders. Was thinking about khulis (as I have mentioned) but if I had to keep 4 of them than I guess I would be overstocking the tank... :( I was also thinking about keeping clown garras (3) instead of khulis - what do you guys think? Would that be OK?

well, I don't want females because I don't want babies...The adults never ate them so the tank was overrun with guppies...And I can't watch them being eaten really. I was hoping that the adults would eat them before I even noticed them, but that never happened. i even didn't feed the fish for a week and didn't even want to look in the tank but there were still a lot of babies in there after a week of not feeding them (or the adults)....I prefer to have so many fish that I buy/get, I don't want them multiplying cause I can't kill the unwanted ones even tho I know I should if I wanted to bree them and have nice looking fish without defects...

Ok, so I gave away the female guppies and all the fry that I could catch today...I am in a process of cycling the smaller (12 gallon) tank so the males are curently in the bigger tank with the fry...I will try to catch the remaining fry today and give them away... i am definetly going to move just males in that tank and if I can't catch all the fry, well they will get eaten by the fish I am planing to keep in there anyway, so...(but lets hope I can catch them...).

Ok - so I have 15 male guppies, but will probably keep like 10 and than I will add some bottom feeders. Was thinking about khulis (as I have mentioned) but if I had to keep 4 of them than I guess I would be overstocking the tank... :( I was also thinking about keeping clown garras (3) instead of khulis - what do you guys think? Would that be OK?

well, I don't want females because I don't want babies...The adults never ate them so the tank was overrun with guppies...And I can't watch them being eaten really. I was hoping that the adults would eat them before I even noticed them, but that never happened. i even didn't feed the fish for a week and didn't even want to look in the tank but there were still a lot of babies in there after a week of not feeding them (or the adults)....I prefer to have so many fish that I buy/get, I don't want them multiplying cause I can't kill the unwanted ones even tho I know I should if I wanted to bree them and have nice looking fish without defects...

4 khulis or even 6 would be fine in that tank 0- they dont add hardly anything to the bioload

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