How Many Harlequin Rasboras


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
How many harlequin rasboras are needed to school? I have a ten gallon tank which I would like to keep just the harlequins in. I've heard that if you don't have a large enough group, they won't school a tightly. How many can my tank hold?
Schooling is a defensive behaviour adopted when fish feel threatened. In small tanks, there is no real benefit to schooling, so it is not usually seen. I would always advocate at least 6 Harlequins, and usually add but more is better. In a 10, you're going to be stuck with 6.
they're not gonna school in a 10 gallon in my experience, unless you scare them everyday...which is not a good idea...

they willlllllll school when you first put them in the tank, then they'll just spread further and further apart

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