How many guppies??


Fish Fanatic
Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
Wales, UK
Im thinking of getting a small shoal of guppies. How many females and how many males should i get for breeding purposes??
I also agree with the above statement, 3-1 female to male ratio is perfect. Right now i have 1-1 ratio(I'll be fixing that on payday) and the female is constantly harassed. It's good to give your females a break from a pesty male, especially if your expecting fry.

25gallon: 12 assorted neon tetras, 1 algae eater, 4 rosey barbs, 4 zebra danios, 1 white skirt tetra, and 2 guppies(1 male and 1 very pregnant female)
If you are going to be trying to have a breeding project going I suggest that you get a bunch of tanks. The best way that I know of is to have one tank with a male to female ratio of one male to three females. Then a fry tank for the babies. And then a separate tank for males and for females so that you can decide which fish will be breeding and keep the color strains pure.
i agree to the male:female ratio of 1:2 as well..because if there are too few female guppies in the tank...the males keep harassing the females....and cause a lot of stress and pressure on them!
yup agree again more females the better, let the male think its in hogs heaven lol

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