How Many Girlies In A 15 Gallon


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
i have a 15 gallon, that i going to completely re do over the summer, so i was thinking of sneeking a few more girlies in there, how many would i be able to fit in there, i already have 4 and they get on great but would love some different coloured ones. there might be 5 neons in there too if they recover from the velvet and i was thinking of a few cory or shrimp if theres any room after a few more.
so how many more could i get?
:hyper: yes but cracker your fish are not like ours they know you are their master and they behave.... :good: :hyper: :hyper:
:rolleyes: dunno I showed my husband your photos on the other thread and he says you cant have that many bettas together and he is no good with fish!
20 bettas in a 10gallon is stupid, and with females and males, none of the fish could be right happy, not only the small amount of space per fish, but the aggressive i bet was there, sure you didnt see it, but i bet the fish were very unhappy living there.
why did you put so many together? its overstocking aswell.
as for the question, 4-5 females, lots of plants and caves, with maybe a 3-6 cories (pygmys prefered)
ok thanks guys, might stick with the four i have unless i see one i love then i'll have the 3 gallon there in now spare :shifty:
20 bettas in a 10gallon is stupid, and with females and males, none of the fish could be right happy, not only the small amount of space per fish, but the aggressive i bet was there, sure you didnt see it, but i bet the fish were very unhappy living there.
why did you put so many together? its overstocking aswell.
as for the question, 4-5 females, lots of plants and caves, with maybe a 3-6 cories (pygmys prefered)

How did you know that they're not happy lol
20 bettas in a 10gallon is stupid, and with females and males, none of the fish could be right happy, not only the small amount of space per fish, but the aggressive i bet was there, sure you didnt see it, but i bet the fish were very unhappy living there.
why did you put so many together? its overstocking aswell.
as for the question, 4-5 females, lots of plants and caves, with maybe a 3-6 cories (pygmys prefered)

How did you know that they're not happy lol

:good: Did they tell you they're unhappy? Cause last I checked cracker has the healthiest looking bettas I've ever seen :D :D

and 4-5 females in a 15 gallon? thats a waste of space, not to mention the smallest recommended amount of females to house together is 6. 6-7 girls in a well planted 10 gallon works great! So in a 15 gallon I'd say about 10 girls would be lovely :good: :good:
unless you want to make it into a community tank with your girls in it 4-5 seems like a bit of a waste of space to me also. id go with 7-10 atleast.
With 15 gallons I'd have about 10 girls in there. With plenty of hiding spots, of course. I have 6 girls in a 10 gallon and so far so good. A larger tank with more girls would be a beautiful tank. If you get it all set up, make sure you post pics!!

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