How Many German Blue Rams In A 55 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, United States
Hello Everyone,

I have a 55 gallon tank, which is heavily planted. I was wondering if it would be possible to go with 6 German Blue Rams in the tank, as I have 4 right now but the ratio is 1M to 3F and I don't want to get rid of a female for another male. So, I was thinking about just adding 2 more males. Is this do-able? Other inhabitants are listed in my signature. Thanks in advance!
2 more would be fine in a 55gal you could even add some more types of fish like a bristlenose plecs, some kind of shoaling fish
Honestly, you could have over 10 in a 55g. If you get one more male and and 5 more females, you shouldnt have a prob.
Honestly, you could have over 10 in a 55g. If you get one more male and and 5 more females, you shouldnt have a prob.

yep... mix is usually 2-3 f per male, personally I think about 10 should be the limit

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