How many gals is my tank?


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Hi Guys.

Prolly not the right way to start fish keeping but I bought a complete setup inc fish from a friend.

I have the tank dimensions but have no clue to the gallonage (new word invention warning)

41" Accross
15" Deep
18" High

Is there a way of working this out.


Andi :dunno:
Am I right in assuming (have read this site a lot over the past week or so) that we use the American 3.5ltr gallon in fish keeping?

Andi :hyper:
I usually do length x height x width / 231 cubic inches per gallon = gallons (US).

Doing that calculation for your tank gives me ~48 gallons (US).

Since 1 US Gallon = 0.832 UK (Imperial) Gallons,

I calculate your tank is about 40 UK Gallons. That's not a tank that I'm familiar with, but maybe they're more common in the UK. HTH~

So is it 1" of adult fish per US or Imperial Gallon? and do tetras count per inch or 2 per inch?

Dont want to overstock

using my volume calculator (link in my sig) I get about the same as mentioned above:

Surface area: 615sq.inches
Tank volume: 181.44 litres 47.9 gal(US) 39.92 gal(imp/UK)

excluding substrate, glass thickness, fill-level, etc.

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