how many for a 75 gallon tank


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
I know the concept of reduceng agression by overstocking malawi tanks but how many fish would fit in a standard sized 75 gallon us tank if i wanted to safely keep my fish without useing the overstocking strategy, and if i over stocked, how many malawi should i get? one more thing what about in a 90 gallon a used one was just listed in the classifieds

I already have 2 juvenile electric yellows, 1 kenyi and one nimbochromis

also anyone from the cichlid-forum know how to get into the site i was banned about a month ago shortly after registeering and did not in my oipinion do something that would require a banishment only one thing was posted containing only happy faces this is the message i get when entering the site

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I don't know how to contact these people and have emailed all email adresses i have from mail sent me to from the site with no succes

thanks for help with either topic
A 75 gallon and 90 gallon are both the same footprint (if you are referring to the ones I have in mind) and pretty much hold the same amount of fish in the end. It's tough to say how many you can fit because you are going to have a variety of sized fish in the tank that include both mbuna and haps. In general you are looking at about 15 to 25 fish depending on what species you end up with.
Thanxs, but just to clarify 21 would be overstocking to reduce agression and 15 would be stocking so they could all live happily with their own territories?

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