How many fish?


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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I would like to add some more fish to my aquarium, :D I'm totally hooked... :fun: I'm gonna have to get a bigger tank soon!!! :hyper: just don't know how many is too many? Plus, can swordfish go with Tetras? I would love to add 3 swordfish, and 2 or 3 more tetras if I can. Can I add more Neon tetras? As they are so small?


10 Gallon Tank
3 Serpae Tetras
2 Head and Tail light Tetras
1 common pleko
1 green catfish
I would say adding 3 more swords would be fine. My only concern is the cat and the pleco. They both will out grow the tank in no time and place a very heavy bio load on the tank. The pleco should be in a minimum of 50 gallons but will even outgrow that. They can reach sizes up to 2 feet in length
Thank you for the advise, I'll be getting a 55 gallon soon. Just to accomidate the Pleco... :D But I'll have fun with the community for that tank.... :p


10 Gallon Tank
3 Serpae Tetras
2 Beacon Tetras
1 common pleko
1 green catfish
I would add 1 serpae tetra and 2 more head and tail light tetra, then I would get rid of the pleco and catfish and add 2 cories of your choice :)

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