How Many Fish In 60l Tank


New Member
Oct 17, 2007
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hi , i want to get some neon terta's and simease fighting fish( not sure if the simease one i got right) but how many can i fit in a 60litre tank
please don't put neons and a siamese together! there are siameses with very peaceful personalities, but they are rare, and you will have difficulty if you hit an aggro one. Also, neons can be nippy. How about neons and corys in your 60L, and get a 20L for your siamese fighter? then you wouldn't have to worry about compatibility problems.
60l is about 14 gallons? So that's 14 inches of fish. If you have fish smaller than that then measure if accordinly. I think 4 neons would come to about 1in so thats 46 neons :p
60l is about 14 gallons? So that's 14 inches of fish. If you have fish smaller than that then measure if accordinly. I think 4 neons would come to about 1in so thats 46 neons :p

No, don't go with 46 neons.

If you want just neons, get about 20.

For my 60l with Fluval 104 filter I'm going to stock:

6 Silver Tipped Tetra
6 Corys
2/3 Pearl Gouramis

That'll leave me well stocked.

If you just get small fish like tetras you could squeeze 20 with a good filter and maintenance.
60l is about 14 gallons? So that's 14 inches of fish. If you have fish smaller than that then measure if accordinly. I think 4 neons would come to about 1in so thats 46 neons :p

No, don't go with 46 neons.

If you want just neons, get about 20.

For my 60l with Fluval 104 filter I'm going to stock:

6 Silver Tipped Tetra
6 Corys
2/3 Pearl Gouramis

That'll leave me well stocked.

If you just get small fish like tetras you could squeeze 20 with a good filter and maintenance.

I was just saying how many could fit in there. :blink:
i have a 60l tank and i have 3 guppies, 6 cherry barbs (great little fish) 6 serpae tetra and 2 golden loach

if you dont go for a betta 2 pearl gouramis and some barbs and corys would be great in there!
hope this helps!
60l is about 14 gallons? So that's 14 inches of fish. If you have fish smaller than that then measure if accordinly. I think 4 neons would come to about 1in so thats 46 neons :p

No, don't go with 46 neons.

If you want just neons, get about 20.

For my 60l with Fluval 104 filter I'm going to stock:

6 Silver Tipped Tetra
6 Corys
2/3 Pearl Gouramis

That'll leave me well stocked.

If you just get small fish like tetras you could squeeze 20 with a good filter and maintenance.

I was just saying how many could fit in there. :blink:

Yes but four full grown neons come to about 6inches. But if you're using small fish you can go a little over, but not loads. 20 would be the limit. 46 Neons would be too much.
My 60L tank has:

3Platys (all female...for obvious reasons :p)
6 Neon tetras
6 pygmy corydoras.
no siamese/betta for the reasons mentioned, neons i agree if only them then you could have 20 in there, have you considered shrimp at all? or guppies? (best to get male if you go with these to avoid fry) also you could look at the suggested stocking for a 10gal topic, has some great fish for your tank
IMO, fighters & neons: No problems with the ones I had.

Inches / US Gallon rule is pretty lame. A lot depends on surface area of tank and filtration methods.

I have a 60L tank. It is heavily planted. I over filter it somewhat with an Eheim Ecco that is using filter material that is well over a year old. The tank is well established. My stocking is as follows:

8x Neon Tetra
3x Tri-Lined Cories
4x Japonica
2x Dwarf Gourami
2x Ram Cichlid

That's about 25" of fish. Not a problem. I have seen award winning tanks with over twice that in it. If you know what you're doing.....

My water stats are always spot on and all fish are in good health, colourful and inquisitive. I may be adding a further 5 neons....

IMO, fighters & neons: No problems with the ones I had.

Inches / US Gallon rule is pretty lame. A lot depends on surface area of tank and filtration methods.

I have a 60L tank. It is heavily planted. I over filter it somewhat with an Eheim Ecco that is using filter material that is well over a year old. The tank is well established. My stocking is as follows:

8x Neon Tetra
3x Tri-Lined Cories
4x Japonica
2x Dwarf Gourami
2x Ram Cichlid

That's about 25" of fish. Not a problem. I have seen award winning tanks with over twice that in it. If you know what you're doing.....

My water stats are always spot on and all fish are in good health, colourful and inquisitive. I may be adding a further 5 neons....


Do you live in a hardwater area like me? Because I noticed you have rams, do you use RO water or something?
Indeed H/W area, no I do not use RO.

It is a worry & I monitor them very carefully, but local breeders seem to think they'll be fine as my tank is planted. What that has to do with things I have no idea.... Many differnent references also tout differing KH (mine is about 10dkh) and all but a few say this is marginally outside the recommended hardness....

They seem happy enough though and I base that on their liveliness and stunning colouration. They were also raised but 3 miles down the road, so it's not like I am suddenly dumping them into totally different conditions - I was careful about this.


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