How many fish from qt tank to main tank


New Member
Feb 24, 2022
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New Jersey
Hey all, I currently have some new fish in qt that I am planning to add to my main tank at somepoint. My question is what are your thoughts on how many at one time to add to main tank? I currently run a 55 gallon main tank with a turquoise severum, 2 gold gourami, 3 red eye tetra, 6 cory cats, 4 otocinclus. In my qt tank i have 5 zebra danio, 3 neon tetra, 2 juvenile silver dollars.

I am debating on adding them all at once to main or doing them in smaller groups. I dont want to alter my cycle in the main tank. Thanks for all replies!!! Appreciate it!
If your tank is established, I'm assuming so as you have a QT, then the beneficial bacteria will multiply within a couple of days to support the new fish so you can add them all at once.
I quarantine for 4 weeks

Your shoals are small - are these acquired as rescue/ rehomed fish?
The silver dollars we learned after the fact that they are schooling fish. We made an oops on that. Yes they were aquired as a we are trying to decide what to do with the silver dollars as weve read they get quite large. Worried it might be too .uch in tank once they grow
The silver dollars we learned after the fact that they are schooling fish. We made an oops on that. Yes they were aquired as a we are trying to decide what to do with the silver dollars as weve read they get quite large. Worried it might be too .uch in tank once they grow
Agreed, they are big fish for a 55 - even as juveniles. They need a 6' tank when grown.
You could increase the danios and neon tetra though. 10+ is considered a sufficient number for a shoal.

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