How many fish for a 10gallon tank?


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2003
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what is a good amount of fish to have in a 10 gallon i know it varries from the size of the fish but are there other ways to tell could you put more in if u kept ur tank well cleaned and filterd? 8) :shifty:
they say 1 inch per gallon but you could probably go a little over ik you have a variety bottom and upper dwelling fish. It also depends on how often your willing to clean your tank.
It depends on the type of fish... You could get pygmy or panda cories as small bottom dwellers and neon tetras as really small but active top dwellers. You could raise livebearers, but you'd have to find homes for the fry. You could try almost any type of danios or tetras, as long as they stay under 2" b/c they live in groups.

Good luck with your tank. :D

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