How Many Filters/ Heaters To Use With A Tank Divider?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
Help Please!

I'm building a 54l (60 x 30 x 30cm) tank that I hope to divide across the middle. If I use a perspex sheet drilled with 2mm holes for the divider, would I need two heaters and filters, as the water would flow through the holes?

Also, what would be the best size/ types of heaters and filters for this set-up? :dunno:

(I was thinking of either one 2208/10 or two 2206 Eheim Aquaballs for the filter(s) The filter can be directed at the divider to make sure it circulates).

Thanks very much.
As long as the divider is perforated, you will only need the one filter and heater.

To encourage water flow, have you thought about a small cannister filter ? Inlet one side of the divider, outlet the other .... plus you get some tank space back !

Heating is a tricky one... depends on where the tank is situated, indoors in a non draughty, central heated room you will get away with a 50W jobbie...
If its in a cold/draughty room, or in a shed say, you may need 150W ! But Id say get a branded 100W and you wont go far wrong.
Just been duped on Ebay into buying 2 Eheim 2206s instead of 1 2208. :< B**t**d!

Never mind - feel I'm developing MTS so may come in useful. (Unless one 2206 isn't enough?!)

Ta for the advice. :thumbs: I'll go for one 100W.

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