How many corys?

Jo and Gra

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2005
Reaction score
The UK...Essex!!!
As the title says......

How many corys can i put in a

21 gal

80cm Wide x 30cm Deep x 40cm high

no inhabitants ATM, but there will be.
Well, it obviously depends on your other inhabitants.
As far as the space goes, a group of 5 or 6 should be fine and that's a nice number for them. They only grow to about 3 inches and so far from being territorial are happiest when they are all crammed into a tiny space together or sharing the same piece of food. As long as they have room to swim about, some hiding places and the water stats are good, they should be fine.
If you want more room for other fish, you can keep a group of 4 or even 3 (but not less, they do need to school).
If you want ONLY corys I suppose you could up numbers a bit, but they are very good community fish so you might as well have something for the upper layers.
If you have good filtration and don't otherwise overstock you could fit a group of 8-10 in there quite easily, that would look great!

I have a tank that is about 6 gallons with a sterbai, 2 peppered and 8 pygmy corys in it. I have a decent filter in there and they absolutely love it, especially the pygmy corys!

When I said 5-6 I assumed you'd be having a proportionate amount of higher dwelling fish. Of course if you go for cories only or mainly cories you can fit more in, as bunjiweb says.

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