How Many Corys?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Man, UK
I was just wondering how many corys I could have in a 120ltr tank?? Its 3 foot long and 14 inches deep so that would be the footprint. How many could I have living happily??
I bought 4 albino cory at one of my lfs about 9 days ago and bought 2 pepper corys at another lfs which is closer to home and has more species. Seem to know their stuff there too!! :good:

So I have 6 now, could I get more?? I love them :wub:

Other tank mates are 2 female DG, 1 male betta, 7 platy and 4 minnow

Thank you :)

Laura x
Thanks guys :) Will do, they are so fun to watch interacting and burying themselves. Ordered more plants and a few caves so will be re-scaping in the next week or 2 aswell, will post pictures afterwards :D

Laura x

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