How Many Corys Can I Put In An 80Gal?


Mar 20, 2011
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I'm not getting any just planning for later as still need to redo tank, but i know that they have to be in groups so i was thinking 8 or 10?
Is this too many?
I'm not getting any just planning for later as still need to redo tank, but i know that they have to be in groups so i was thinking 8 or 10?
Is this too many?

No it's not too many. As stated above, you can have quite a few (though I would personally keep them around 20). Only because I don't want the entire bottom of my tank swarming with catfish. It's a personal choice. If you decide to stick with a lower number of them, it's better to keep just all of one type or two different types rather than doing a mix and match kind of thing. If you really want to mix them up then at least make sure they are all from the same family. Example: corydora
I'm not getting any just planning for later as still need to redo tank, but i know that they have to be in groups so i was thinking 8 or 10?
Is this too many?

No it's not too many. As stated above, you can have quite a few (though I would personally keep them around 20). Only because I don't want the entire bottom of my tank swarming with catfish. It's a personal choice. If you decide to stick with a lower number of them, it's better to keep just all of one type or two different types rather than doing a mix and match kind of thing. If you really want to mix them up then at least make sure they are all from the same family. Example: corydora

Yes, thats what i meant sorry, different types of corys together.
I've also got a couple of plecos already, and as much as i like them i probably wouldn't want 30-40 as they would be everywhere.
But i didn't know i could of kept that many :hyper:
Thanks for the help, i'm definitely going to have corys when it's all ready :D
I have 9 sterbai in my 150g tank and to have any effect I need loads more
Wonderful fish they are
They are Amy cute little things they are always busy

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