How Many Corys Can I Have?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2011
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right now i have a 20 gallon tank with 2 swordtails, 2 gold barbs, 9 neon tetras, 3 mystery snails, and some plants along the back of the tank. what is the maximum number of corys i can have? here is my probem: i have 4 corys already (1 trili, 1 bronze, 1 albino, 1 peppered). i know, dont ask. anyway, i heard at my walmart they have a tank of mixed corys with some trili in there. i have been looking for more trili for a very long time. i want to take back the albino and bronze, i do not care for them much. i do like the peppered also. i want 6 trili. how many peppered can i have along with that, if any, in that sized tank? Thanks in advance.
I would take back all of them and stick with a school of at least 5 Trili since that's the one you prefer. I'm not going to recommend anymore fish than that because it's not something I would do. Especially in a smaller tank. I felt bad about my cories in my 30 gallon as they got to be almost 3 inches so I couldn't imagine loading a 20 g with all those catfish. That's just my opinion and it's your call to make.

Good luck
yeah. that is what im thinking.

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