How Many Corys Can I Get?


New Member
May 15, 2006
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i have a 20 gallon tank 2 feet wide and 1 foot long

the substrate is sand i currently have 4 black neons and 4 platies

how many corys can i get w/o over crowding? ty :D

oh yea do pigmy corys burrow under the sand?
ummm, I'm thinking 6, maybe more. If you got dwarf Corydoras then you could fit even more...

oh yea do pigmy corys burrow under the sand?

In my experience corys don't really burrow but they move around the sand (with their mouth) looking for food. but I imagine pygmy corys would do the same

BTW-I am not very good at calculating stocking though...
Looking at your surface area and calculating on average fish size I would say 5 fish maximum(5cm max growth), Not being an expert but a novice on Corys doesnt help with knowing how big they grow depending on subspecies.

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