How Many Cory Cats Can I Keep In 20 Gal


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I have a 20 gal tank 2 feet long And a little over a foot wide. I only want to have corys in the tank. I have some plants and sand. Right now I have 4 Corydoras aeneus 3 albino and one bronze. I was thinking of getting one more bronze and 3 of another kind.

Would that be pushing it? Or is it a fine idea?
I would not hesitate to keep 6 or 7 cories the size of aeneus in a 20 gallon. I really prefer my cories in larger numbers than 3 or 4 of a species at a time, it brings out their personalities better in my experience. I have groups of no less than 6 and even have as many as 12 of identical cories in my tanks. The 12 are 12 hastatus in a 20 gallon. Hastatus are probably only about 1/4 the bioload of an aeneus.
Ok thank you. I'm going to ask them to get some more aeneus bronze Cory for me then.
That was just the answer I was looking for.

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