How many cories?


New Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I just bought two spotted cories and added them to my 25g guppy breeding tank. I didn't know much about cories when i got them except that they are peaceful. I really enjoy watching them swim around together and think i might want to add some more. What is a good number considering my tank size? Also will these guys eat algae?; or guppy fry?
5-6 is a good number. What kind of substrate do you have? They need small, rounded gravel or sand to prosper.
What kind of substrate do you have? They need small, rounded gravel or sand to prosper.
I have the common gravel found in my lfs; it is somewhat rounded and small... is this ok?

5-6 is a good number.

i'd like to have 5-6 but how many guppies can i have in there with them before its too crowded? I have 8 gupiies now +3fry
Cories should always be kept in groups of 5-6 or more, they really like company of their own kind. I think that number would be good for your tank. As for guppies, I'd say 12-15, depending on sex ratio (all males? all females? mixed?), assuming weekly water changes are taken care of and the filtration is decent.

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