How many cories as a minimum


Fish Herder
Jun 25, 2004
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I know cories like to be in groups. How many should I get so they are reasonably happy. Only a 5 gallon tank, and there will be a Betta in there.
cories do not produce alot of waste i would say 3-4 cories.
do you have any live plants in your 5 gal?
the minimum i would say would be 3 and max would be 4
Right now the tank is still empty and the Betta is in a 1.25 Gallon jar with 4 live plants. I plan to increase the number of live plants to 6-8.
Thanks PT. If it is not good for them I wont. Maybe I can get a snail or something to give my Betta a tank mate.
If you would like something interesting, i would recommend an African Dwarf Frog. They are perfect tankmates for bettas :nod:

Yeah, Corys are a bit small for anything under 10. I have three Skunk Corys in my 7.5, but thats just because they are teeny tiny babies, and I want them to get big and strong before I intorduce them to my crazy 29 gallon. :rolleyes:

But I definitely agree with P.T. Dwarf Frogs are a riot. :D And if you don't like them you could always put in two or three Otos. :thumbs:

Oh and to answer your original question, I wouldn't put Corys in a group smaller than 8...I know most will say 6, but 8 is my personal preference. :nod: They are very social little fish and the more you have the better. :wub:
Will see if I can find a African Dwarf Frog.

As for the amano shrimp, I think my Betta will see them as food. :lol:

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