How Many Clown Loaches In A 75 Gallon Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2007
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Hey everyone, I'm getting a new 75 gallon tank pretty soon and I was wanting to get some clown loaches. I'm not sure how many I should or can get though. I have 8 Cory's right now, and I'd like to get 3 more. How many clown's would be good with this tank, since they are a bottom fish? I'll have 20-25 other livebearers, and I figured that since they were "top-medium water" fish, it wouldn't bother the cory's/loaches. How many do you think I should get? Thanks!
Also, my Petco has "small" and "medium" sized clown loaches. The small ones are $3.50 and the large are $8.49. Are these different kind of clowns, or are they just different price because of size? Would it be best to just get the small ones and let them grow?
Also, my Petco has "small" and "medium" sized clown loaches. The small ones are $3.50 and the large are $8.49. Are these different kind of clowns, or are they just different price because of size? Would it be best to just get the small ones and let them grow?

there are different types of loaches, but the reason for the price difference is because of size. smaller ones are cheaper because they are more likely to die than the medium ones. even though that is the case, i still like getting somewhat small fish to watch them grow, its up to you.

the clown loaches like being in groups but you have a lot of bottom feeders as it is. i guess it depends on ur filtration, etc. maybe 3?
In a 75 I'd put 5-7 clowns. They grow slow and it takes them 10 years to grow to 12". So your best bet would be to buy them at 3". Maybe a little bit longer. Although this may set you back 50 odd dollars. AUD

If you are going to buy them get a minimum of 4. They say 3 but 4 is much better. You get mroe colurs, swmming and attitude.
will 3-4 be okay with 8-11 cory cats?

They're compatable but you've got a pretty crowded bottom with that many bottom dwelling fish.

I'd suggest looking at some other species of loaches (botia) that don't get as big.
You cant beat the colours and attraction of clown loaches. You easily hand feed them and they play dead. Pet shops are always willing to take in large clown loachs if they get too big for your tank.

Even so is your tank 6ft long, 4ft 5 ft? Even with that much floor area fish will create territories. And provide at least 2-3 caves for your clowns. Plus corys are small and harm nothing.
clown loaches get prety big and are very active fish.. though they dont look that way in the petstore most of the time. i think you shouldnt get more than 3 for a 75g. theyre a shoaling fish but they'll do ok in pairs or in groups of 3.

... but if u plan 2 upgrade within a few years i think you could get more. clown loaches are very interesting fish 2 watch so good luck
Keep your group of 8 cories as it is and get 7 clowns, both bottom dwellers require groups of 5 or more, but clowns require the larger of the groups.
i'd get 3, they're cheaper smaller because they're very slow growing. for someone to grow them on to a larger size there are a lot more overheads to cover so the price goes up.

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