How Many Clown Loaches Can I Fit In A 300l Tank?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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I recently got 3 clown loaches which are about 2" each for my tank. I wanted to add a few more, but wasnt sure if there is enough space for more.

My stocking is:

- 8 Rummynoses
- 8 White Clouds
- 6 Corys
- 5 Yoyos

Most of the fish I have are small fish (apart from the yoyos) so could I potentially add a few more clown loaches?

I do understand that the clowns can grow to 12", but that would take a few years wouldnt it? If that is the case, I do have plans to rehouse them to a bigger 650L tank later on.

Thanks for the replies.

Sam, I thought the same, that I might be able to add one or two more clown loaches.

Perhaps its because the yoyos and clowns do grow very big, but as mentioned in my initial post, I do intend to rehouse them when they grow bigger.
300 ltrs is nearly 80 gallons; that's a nice good size. Don't see that an extra couple of clown loaches would come to any harm in there. And clowns are quite slow growers, aren't they?
yeah they grow slow and i would add anouther 2 if i were you because they like to live in bigger groups as they are very social fish :good:
To be honest. I would probably add another 6 or so.

Thanks for the replies, I added another 2 clown loaches in today and it somehow triggered a total behavioural change in the clown loaches! They all seem to be a lot more active now and are schooling. The 2 new ones are still settling in, but on the whole, the group seems to be better off with the addition of 2 more clowns!

I also noticed one of the bigger clowns fighting another clown - is this normal? Are they merely establishing a pecking order?
I also noticed one of the bigger clowns fighting another clown - is this normal? Are they merely establishing a pecking order?

Perfactly normal, they are resetting the hierarchy, and the things will settle down within at most two weeks.

As for the growth: figure out about 1"/year. Your tank should be good enough for them for a couple of years.
I also noticed one of the bigger clowns fighting another clown - is this normal? Are they merely establishing a pecking order?

Perfactly normal, they are resetting the hierarchy, and the things will settle down within at most two weeks.

As for the growth: figure out about 1"/year. Your tank should be good enough for them for a couple of years.
Thanks for the reply mikev. Glad the tank will be enough for them for a few years, there is a good chance I may get a bigger tank before then, but I'm content with 2 tanks at the moment.

With 5 clown loaches now, do you think there is any need to add any more? I wanted to see how they go and if the clowns are healthy and no noticeable problems such as ich, then I might add 2 more and leave it at that.

Is that okay or too much?
You can add two more (if you are planning on a bigger tank later), but you don't have to rush into this.

Five is a reasonable shoal, and you can wait until you see a clown you cannot resist, this will happen sooner or later. (this is what I did, I have six right now)
if i had a big enough tank i would fill it with just clown loaches im getting a bigger tank in december we'll see what happen then :shifty:
You can add two more (if you are planning on a bigger tank later), but you don't have to rush into this.

Five is a reasonable shoal, and you can wait until you see a clown you cannot resist, this will happen sooner or later. (this is what I did, I have six right now)
I'll do just that. I was just worried that if I added 1 or 2 more loaches later on, it may stress out the existing ones since I didn't introduce them all at the same time.

Is it okay to get clown loaches in even numbers (say 6)? I read that its better to get odd numbers like 5 or 7, but not sure if this is true - do your 6 clowns school together all the time? Are they shy during the day?
i dont think keeping them in odd numbers is really bennificial and they may be shay for a little bit but not long it shouldnt stress out the ones you have at the moment either :good:

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