How many Cichlids?

sorry but i have to agree iv got a 130 Lt tank and i can only keep a few lads in it so if i was you id get a bigger tank or different fish :fish:
Zero! Would even say minimum 55 gallon to have a nice variety of what you may be interested in.
No, you can keep multi's in a 10g, so why not a 15? I would buy abotu 6 multi's. 1 male and 5 females. And cover the bottom of the tank with shells ( they need the to feel secure and to breed in). Make sure your tank is cycled first.
Why would you encourage breeding in a 15 gallon tank? I mean eventually it would become a problem if it isnt at the start. Plus if s/he only has a 15 gallon tank its not like there will be a spare fry tank or what not.
Why would you encourage breeding in a 15 gallon tank? I mean eventually it would become a problem if it isnt at the start. Plus if s/he only has a 15 gallon tank its not like there will be a spare fry tank or what not.
Well, first off they only get to 1.5" or so anyway. And they breed in a 10 gallon, so why not a 15 :blink: That's fishes natural behavior anyway. There are fish stores around that will take them off your hands when the fry are bigger. Or what's to say they won't eat their fry? They are carnivores after all :) Natural selection is around for a reason and it helps fish owners.
Im encouragin breeding, because its interesting, and in that size tnak, theese little 1.5 inch fish will have a ball in there. Plus, Multi's are in high demand, but little supply, so he could get money off them. IO have only seen there here once an dhtey cost like 12 dollars a fish. With theese fish, you dont need a spare fry tank, as soon as they are welcome, they will swim away and find there own shell! I also think tehy are nuclear famalies ( i may be wrong, i havent read up on them in a while =]) . You could also keep some Kribensis Cichlids int here if you do not wish to keep Multi's, or you could go south american with some borelli's Apistogramma, Cockatoo Apistogramma, ect.

Soaup: Saying that a 55 g minnimum for cichlids is most definatley a lie. The only fish i would recommend at a 55g minnimum are:
Blood Parrots
Flower Horns

^ must i really go on?
You could also keep some Kribensis Cichlids

Krib need a minimum tank size of 20G so it would be a bit tight in a 15G, sorry

No they dont. Dave ( cant remeber the rest of his username) bought some wild caught kribensis, and got them to live happily and spawn in a 10g. THe do not need a minnimum of 20 gallons.
Soaup: Saying that a 55 g minnimum for cichlids is most definatley a lie. The only fish i would recommend at a 55g minnimum are:


I would say 75G Minimum for a oscar, due to the size that these beasts get...

15 gal would be good for one krib, Maybe 2 if they was a Pair but they would have to be a pair...

Rams do well in a 15 gal

OH GOD I HATE MYSELF, Post is from 2004!....The guys has probally had many a babies from these fish :D
iv spoken to many people who keep cichlids and they all say the best think to do is cramp the tank if there not happy u will know because the will fite and attack others.
If they are happy they will get on well and u will go on to have a good tank.
iv spoken to many people who keep cichlids and they all say the best think to do is cramp the tank if there not happy u will know because the will fite and attack others.
If they are happy they will get on well and u will go on to have a good tank.

Thats the worst piece of advise ever.....Yes you need to overstock Malawi Cichlids, But thats about it. All other types of Cichlid dont require to be overstocked. Also the solution isnt to stock more cichlids in a 15 gallon its to get a 55 gallon + and stock it sufficiently. There will always be fighting in a cichlid tank because all have their territories....

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