How many bumble bees?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
How many bumble bee gobies could I put in a 5 gallon? Is there a reason their colors are brighter sometimes? I have noticed that the yellow stripe is sometimes a dull yellow and other times is bright...
I'd say about four in a five gallon, but I'd seriously advise against trying to maintain such a small brackish tank.

Such a small volume of water means that conditions can fluctuate wildly and quickly resulting in stress and death of the fish.

IMO 20g is the minimum for a brackish tank.

Like most fish, the brightness and depth of colour indicates stress levels and health.

It can also indicate mood, changing depending on wether the fish is being defensive, aggresive, or relaxed.

Colours can also chane to indicate readiness to breed or to attract a mate.

Female Bumblebee Gobies turn completely orange with no black at all apart from the head when they're in the mood for love.
no means in hi jacking but my lfs has the freshwater bumble bees and was wondering if 4 would work in a 5 freshwater?

Dwarfs said:
Yes, you're very lucky to have found the FW ones, I would love to find those :drool:
We have some FW BBGs, it took us nearly two years to find some... so we now have 12. Great little fish.
Pretty sure the LFS near me had some Freshwater BBG's in stock last weekend....

Well I think they were freashwater ones, because the filtration system they use has all of the tanks running off it. So opportunity to have seperate brackish tanks from what I could see.....

Are these suitable for a community tank? or species only ?
MY LFS told me they were freshwater, and didn't realize until recently that many are brackish. I cannot tell the difference! I saw an older link that showed some pics, but I still can't tell. I was planning on moving into a larger brackish soon, but for now the 5 gallon is FW. If they really are brackish, I intend to convert into a larger tank as soon as financially feasible....
Brachygobius aggregatus is more restricted in range to the islands around the Phillipines and Borneo. It is found in fresh, brackish and salt water. The anal fin has one spine and six rays. In colouration it is basically yellow with four thick black bands, although the bands are not complete over the belly. The first dorsal fin is black. The second dorsal and the anal are transparent. This species should not be kept without salt in the water (a specific gravity from 1.005 to 1.010 recommended). It will even adapt to marine conditions.

Brachygobius doriae is a widely distributed fish found in fresh and brackish water. The anal fin has one spine and seven rays. Unlike Brachygobius doriae both the second dorsal and the anal fins are dark save for pale patches at the base. This species adapts best to freshwater, providing the pH and hardness are relatively high. This may be the same fish as the very similar Brachygobius nunus.

Brachygobius xanthozona is from Indonesia and Borneo and is found in fresh and brackish water. Similar to the previous species except that the anal fin has one spine and eight rays. Both of the dorsal fins and the anal fin are black except for small transparent triangular patches at the base of the second dorsal and anal fins.

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