How Many Bristlenoses In A 250l Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
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got a couple of little 2 inchers in my tank at the moment

do these guys feel more secure in a bigger group?

ive put spininch in the tank and they dont seem to have touched it yet, is it not a food i should feed them?

cheers Darren
theyve eaten the spinach

any ideas on how many i can safely have in the tank?

would love to try breeding them, only have corys and harelquins in so i assume they wouldnt eat the babies
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hi m8, common bristlenose you would get away with Maybe another male and 2-3 more females ASLONG as you have plenty of hiding places and sufficient room for them to keep there own terrotory :), i would personally only keep 1 male and a max of 3 females... this would be plenty for any breeding group.

Make sure you have a 1 hiding place/cave for each and you would be fine :)

Also they dont need to be in groups to feel secure they willhappily live on there own :)

Last thing lol.... you probably had no replies m8 becasue people didnt want to give an answer which may have been wrong ;), this place is usually friendly and im very suprised you hadnt had an answer, but i hope this answers all your questions :)

Hi there! I've got a 260l aquarium. I've got 4 Clown Plecos, a pair of long fin bn's and an albino bn female. Also a port hoplo catfish and a flag tail catfish. Lots of caves and hideouts and they all seem to get on just fine. The male bn is usually with one of the clowns,- they graze and move around together happily!

I think that as long as you have lots of hidey holes then they should be fine as long as you don't have lots of dominant males! So I'd go on and add some more if you'd like. They are super! I have no idea what sex my Clowns are so things may change for me in the future!

As for feeding,- mine favour courgette/zuchini. I also give them cucumber, and a bit of lettuce/peas,- but it's the courgette that they go mad for! (Algae wafers too.)

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