
Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2003
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Man....i had another fish give i have about 60 babies. This time it was a ballon molly. WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH ALL THE BABIES???! I dont want to use them a feeder fish, but what else is there to do?
When they grow up you could sell them on aquabid or other internet sites or forums, or you could try and sell or get credit for them at your LFS
but my problem is i dont really have much room to raise them right now
Yikes! :crazy: Sounds like you may need to get another tank, like an emergency tank and put the babies in there. Also if you don't want this to keep happening(too bad you can get the fish fixed if you know what I mean), you might have to seperate the male and female so that they don't be giving you more babies to deal with again.

Good luck with all those babies. I hope you find a way to give them away. I think you should raise them and try to sell them to petstores or get store credits.
You may want to get another tank...I have 3 sets of guppy fry 8 1 month olds, 11 6 days old, and 8 just born today :) I also have 25 3 day old Black Molly fry

I have 42 babies :wub: I have 2 5 1/2 gallon tanks and a 10 gallon, and will be getting more :D

CONGRADS on the babies!!!!
well if u want to kill them without any pain i heard that u get a wet towl and put the fish in it and but them in to an air tight bag and pop them in the freezer but maybe u should do it to the breeding mates!!
ive decided im gonna keep them and raise them for now, like my other now im up to and around 60 babies, platies, swords and now the balloon mollies. From now on im just gonna let nature take its coarse in my if she has birth, im not gonna catch the that wrong?
well i would say most local fish shops will actually pay money for the fish in what ever stage of development they are in. just ask them then putthem in a bag and sell them or if they wont pay perhaps they will take them fro free. but i think they will pay.
well...i checked my fish places...they want the babies to be about and inch long before they will buy them...oh well...i guess i can wait for that time
I don't sell I trade whole batch for can of fish food at a small LPS. it works because no money is out of their pocket. and I get a large can of Omega one. Ask them it worked for me. The lost can of food is a write off for them(damaged or stolen) and the fish is pure profit. ;)
for me i have an easier way of dealing with it...... :eek: :look:
i can feed the babys to the turts ;) :-(
or i can let nature take it's course :p :shifty:
or i can trade my frys to my local fish shop for 1 freshwater fish :D :hyper: (reasonable of course) :nod: B)

Kev 8)
but i found 3 frys and only 1 survived :-( but my platties r only a fewmonths old, how old does the platty have to be before any mating :unsure:
Hmm, trading frys for fish food. That sound like a good idea. I hope my store would do it with me since money is often tight for me. ;)

Thanks for the idea. This forum rocks!!! :D :D :D
Kevin007, thats what I do with my fry, to the turts! :alien: But actually, I'm starting fresh with a new tank. I just don't know what I'm going to stock with yet.

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