How Many Angels Would Work Well In A 55 Gallon?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2004
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i know angels like to be in groups and i figured a 55g could hold a shoal of about 6 or possibly 7 or would that be pushing it?

don't quote me on this... i'm no expert... mabye 6 would be good? but make sure from someone else...
From what I understand if you have a group of Angels two of them will form a breeding pair and then wreck havoc on the others. Thats why I only keep 2 of them in my tank.
i know angels like to be in groups and i figured a 55g could hold a shoal of about 6 or possibly 7 or would that be pushing it?

You need to ask tolak about this one. He breeds angels and gave me lots of good advice which I assume he wont mind me repeating. He reckons the more you have the better as aggression will be spread beween the lot, similar to cichlid tanks. Worst case scenario are when people by 3, 2 pair off and then contantly attack the one left over. Stocking wise most people quote 1 Angel per 10 gallons as they poop a lot. Overfiltration + larger water changes can compensate for this slightly. I reckon you can go for at least 6 angels in that tank, maybe even 8.

Make sure tank is fairly heavily planted to give plenty of places to hide away from aggression. Consider as well that if bullying gets to bad you may also be able to return any incompatible fish to the shop you got it from. With this in mind its probably a good idea to have a quaratine tank or space in another suitable tank to move Angels to if there are problems. Apparantly Angels also occasionally change partner and pair off again so things are always changing.

Hope that's helpful :)

ps congratulations youre my 100th post. You win a goldfish in a bag! :fish:
I've had at most 3 in one tank. But as fortune would have it, within 1-2 weeks there would be a dead one for whatever reason :sad:
Ok, time for the standard stocking chart I got off the net years ago;

Newly free swimming fry 40 fry per gallon
Two week old fry 20 fry per gallon
Month old fry 10 fry per gallon
Pea size bodies 3 fish per gallon
Dime size bodies 2 fish per gallon
Nickel size bodies 1 fish per gallon
Quarter size bodies 1 fish per 2 gallons
Silver Dollar size bodies 1 fish per 3 gallons
Potential breeders 1 fish per 5 gallons
Show Specimens 1 fish per 10 gallons
One breeding pair 20 gallon high tank

You can see by this chart that a 55 will be fine for 5 or 6 show size angels. 18 dollar body size will fit in a 55, I've had plenty of angels smaller than that pair off & spawn. In all actuality you could have 10 in there long term with proper filtration & plenty of water changes. I would be surprized if you didn't get any pairs with 10, but they will stake out their territory when spawning, any aggression will be spread among the rest of the fish, but it will work.

I've had a 55 stocked with somwhere around 18 angels for better than a year now, a buddy of mine has had a 55 with a dozen or so adults for going on 3 years. Remember, these are bare bottom tanks, a couple of artificial plants to make it a little easier on the eyes, and that's it for decorations. Tossing in a couple inches of gravel, some large rocks, and a ton of plants & other decos turns your 55 into a 45.

You also have to remember that angels are new world cichlids, and have the attitude associated with n.w. cichlids, though considered semi-aggressive. Some are laid back, others are incredibly brutal, not only to other angels when they have paired, but also to their mate. Any time you are dealing with cichlids you have to have a divider or a spare tank handy, along with a backup plan. There are no guarantees with cichlid behavior.
ONE. I had one, then put in another and they ended up killing eachother. Now I have one again and he seems to be happy. Isn't very aggresive with the other fish at all, so ill have to say 1.
ONE. I had one, then put in another and they ended up killing eachother. Now I have one again and he seems to be happy. Isn't very aggresive with the other fish at all, so ill have to say 1.

I agree with that one, although I bought both of mine together. One seemed to grow faster than the other and ended up bullying the other to death. The one left seems quite content and doesn't bother any of the other fish.

What makes me laugh though is when my clown loach grabs it's tendril things and gets dragged along. :rofl:

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