how many? and what sized fish tanks do you have?


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2004
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hi all just wondering how many fish tanks u all got and what size they where, o and of course if any tanks are used for breeding, growing fry etc. :D

btw I got 1 15 - 20 gal (i think its that all around that dont really kno wat gallons are lol but i did some equation and got that)
1 3 gal
1 2 gal

in the 15 - 20 gal i got 2 males (seperated) 2 female bettas, 1 male platty, 2 female platy (bloted with babies :)) , 1 swordtail male, 1 swordtail female and a few platy fry that have managed to survive 5 days without getting eaten :p

my 2 gal and 3 gal are breeder tanks, o and i got this huge plastic tub about 20 gal thats the growout tank :) and i think thats about all :D
hmm i wanna get an angel setup, does any1 know wat sized tank i should get for that?, btw i wanna breed them and raise the fry with the adults in it too
All in the sig:

The 320l is a semi planted - lots of plant life but more moss and fern which is not in the substrate, includes 2 3ft red tiger lotus - with lots of caves and wood, and houses 2 adult angels, 4 clown loaches, a pair of chromidotilapia finley, 2 USDs, 1 L134 and 1 L052 plec, 5 SFF, 1 golden gourmai, female krib and a few other small fish.

My 160l is quite planted and has 12 cories, 1 pink kissing gourami, 6 barbs, x-ray and glolights, young male krib, rainbow shark, 2 weather loaches, pair of black bellied limias abd a few others.

My 68l has 2 plants and is home to 3 hillstream loaches and a lot of algae.

78l has fern, moss and another plant and is currently home to 1 male krib and 4 fry.

40l is home to my aggressive female krib

225l very planted cube is home to 2 young koi angels, 2 glass cats and now 4 young discus. ~~~~> now updated pictures!

cool! :) thats a preety impressive setup u got there, i guess u could say im a newb to having fish tanks, thats why im thinking of starting an angel one so i got something really strange an interesting to look at :D
As in signature.

3 gallon is for my steel blue betta, white marbel gravel and fake plants.

5 gallon is divided into 2 for my red&blue and Yellow&Silver bettas. Natural Gravel, fake plants and some slate for them to hide behind if they want.

9 gallon hex currently has just my white/pink/etc betta. It is gently filtered, has natural rock, gravel and some fake plants.

15 gallon was my first "big" tank, it has natural volcanic rocks & pebbles with a little bit of bogwood for my clown plec. My platy gave birth in this tank last week and I have rescued one of the fry so there is currently a breeding net in the tank with them.

50 gallon is my new beast. It has lots of very large slate rock (about 45KG of it), fine very smooth natural gravel and some large fake plants. It was first home to my fighting kribs who have since become very placid and community with the Danios & Clown loaches currently in there. This tank is currently suffering from a little algae problem which I am trying to combat, Which has involved keeping the blind cover permanently down on my skylight which was casting early morning direct sunshine on the tank which i didnt realise about until the other day.

SO all in all, 5 different tank with a nice mix of fish :)

i just found out that there was a converter on this website lol, hmmm so aparently

* I gota 15 galon tank, cause two cubic feet works out to be 15 galon (thats the community tank with the 4 bettas, 3 fry, 2 swordies and like 1 fry (eek i think all the platy fry may have been eaten :eek: ) o well both of my females looks bloated with babies and my swordtail may be pregnant (who knows) )

* 1.5 gallon spawning tank, I got one male betta lookin after some fry in there at the moment :)

* 3 gallon spawning tank, this one is unoccupied at the moment, waiting for a blue betta pair to get ready for spawning in this one

* im gettin a big plastic tub for the grow out tank, cant afford a glass one at the moment, besides ive raised betta fry in a plastic tub before anyway :), + its cost affective ;) im saving up for a 25 gallon for some angels :) i cant wait, proberly wont be gettin it for a long while though :/
yeah just found that out in another area of this website, they said get a 35 gallon, if it cost too much and i dont have the space i think i will go for a 25 gallon and get a different sort of fish, wat do u think i should get gouramis maybe?

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