How Long?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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ok so ive been treating my tank for around 6 days now they are on their second dosage of interpet internal bacteria, i can clean them out on wed thank goodness they are minging, but when can i tell the treatment is working its only one of my fish that has this and he is huge still i mean really swollen and the pinecone effect is now in place, i know a lot of people say theres no going back when they turn into a pinecone but i have hope and lots of fingers crossed,
my dalmation molly died two days ago of dropsy...there really isnt much you can can try an epsom salt bath...its not really a cure but it helps relieve the swelling and stuff. And you should place it in your quarintine tank. Dropsy isnt very contagous but just to be safe you should remove it. Once the "pineconing" begins usually there is already some internal damage...poor fish. :(
Dropsy cannot usually be treated once it has reached the pinconing of the scales effect. If your fish have not responded to medicine yet, it may just be better to consider putting the sick one down. As it is not good for the other fish to eat him if he does die in the tank.
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