How Long

Tiger Tiger

Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
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Just set up my first tank. Sorry this is a very dumb question but how much underneath the water must the oxygen flow go.
At first i thought it had to be above the water and trickle into it. Then i realised how could anyone possibly watch TV or read with a stream of water sound hitting a pond. :blush:
Shows how wet i am behind the ears.

Now the tank has been going for two days with heater etc etc.
I am due to put my first platy in tomorrow will the filter have got rid of the chlorine by then or do i have to put some in.

If so what is the stuff i have to put in called and how much ?
Its a 2ft sq tank.

Plus does the the oxygen in the water vary the amount of oxygen that's put in. Like a thermostat type thing.

Sorry but a complete beginner
1. The filter doesnt remove chlorine, you should have used a declhorinator, there are different brands, 'aqua plus' etc. Used as directed these work instantly.

2. I take it by the flow you mean from the outlet of your filter? This isnt too inmportant, I put it just under the surface so that it still agitates the top of the water a little to increase oxygenation.

3. If you didnt add de-chlorinator I would hold off on the fish, I would add the dechlorinator followed by some kind of maturation liquid ie. 'Cycle', which will start the filter working and i would follow the cycle instructions and wait another week before adding fish.
If its already dechlorinated I would skep to adding cycle and still wait the week.

Could you rephrase the oxygen question at the end, dont know what you mean
1. The filter doesnt remove chlorine, you should have used a declhorinator, there are different brands, 'aqua plus' etc. Used as directed these work instantly.

2. I take it by the flow you mean from the outlet of your filter? This isnt too inmportant, I put it just under the surface so that it still agitates the top of the water a little to increase oxygenation.

3. If you didnt add de-chlorinator I would hold off on the fish, I would add the dechlorinator followed by some kind of maturation liquid ie. 'Cycle', which will start the filter working and i would follow the cycle instructions and wait another week before adding fish.
If its already dechlorinated I would skep to adding cycle and still wait the week.

Could you rephrase the oxygen question at the end, dont know what you mean

Yes sorry.....The oxygen that comes down from the filter. It dips obviously under the water but how far can it go as the noise of the water is fairly loud but offcoarse the more water you put in the less noise it gets as it does not put the oxygen in so much.
This is a tank where everything goes through the top, filteration etc. There is a hole obviously where the pump is fitted in the top. What i am saying is can the water level go higher than the glass frame at the top.
I.E....It is at present above the glass but how far can i fill it into the plastic upper. Can it go just short of the tube lights.

Its just that its in my daughters bedroom and she wants it as quite as possible...IE not hearing the trickle of oxygen in the water as she really is a light sleeper.

I hope this makes it clearer...Probably not but thanks for trying.
When you add any tap water to the tank, ie after weekly water changes (about 10-25%), you will need to add a dechlorinator to the water to remove the chlorine. If you dont, the chlorine will kill the friendly bacteria that's growing in the filter.

The oxygen coming from the filter sounds like a ventrii system. This is because the filter is above water, and yes they are noisy. Just place the top of the filter below the surface of the water, that should stop it and make the filter a lot quieter. If the filter is moving the water surface that should be enough to oxygenate the water.

Have you heard about Fishless Cycling to build up the bacteria in the filter before adding fish? If the tank is only 2 days old then the filter won't have cycled yet, meaning ammonia and nitrite levels will build up and can harm the fish that you put in. The fishless cycle involves adding pure ammonia to the tank to get the filter to cycle (fill up with bacteria to convert ammonia and nitrite). It takes around 2-3 weeks, but after that the tank is ready for the new fish and will give them the best chance of living.

Best of luck with the new tank :good:

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