How Long?


Sep 3, 2005
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I just recently spilt my 2.5g and put the betta from my 1/2g into the otherside of the divider with the orignal betta that was already in the 2.5g on the other side and I was wondering how long would they be flaring at each other before they get used to each other and stop flaring? Also is there anything I should do to ensure that one of the bettas don't get on the same side and fight?
Don't worry about them, flaring is not a bad thing. Just shows that they are healthy and want to fight, which is their natural behavior. If the plastic canvas fits snuggly, don't worry about it. Fish are not muscular like us humans, or most of us :lol:
As soon as they become too stressed and tired to flair anymore.
They might look droopy for a few days, but then they should perk up.
As soon as they become too stressed and tired to flair anymore.
They might look droopy for a few days, but then they should perk up.

You could try and put some plants in front of the canvas so they can't see each other all the time.
Ethos I noticed that this morning the betta on the right was sitting towards the bottom and the other one was slowly moving around but now they look fine. But I am still worried about one of them getting through because on each side of the canvas ( you know how minibows have that curve in the front) there is a maybe 1/6 of an inch opening on each side and I've seen one of the bettas (what looked like to me) was pushing his head against it trying to get through every once in awhile.

Thelastbetta I can't do that because the kind of plant that I would need to cover a big part of it with takes up to much space and they wouldn't have much room. Ok I have another question. How often should I rinse the gravel? I've been doing it once a week with just the once betta in there but now since there is 2 I didn't know if I should do it more often or what. But I wouldn't want to do it more often because it was soooo harddd to get this canvas in the right position.

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