How Long Until Water Lilies Will Grow?


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I recently got some water plants from woolworths.
One of which is a water lily alba.
It came in a plastic planting pot, with the water lily root, the planting fibre, some stones and instructions. It said to place the root surrounded by the planting fibre in the pot, which i did. Then top the pot up with garden soil and then cover it with the stones. This is exactly what i did. I put the plant at the recommended depth in my pond. It says on the pack that it will flower between around june time, but when i planted it, it only had part of the root stem poking through the stones because they were " grow your own from scratch" kind-of kits. I assume the plant will grow off the bulb-like root stem but i would like to know how long it will take to reach my pond surface (it's about 1 metre deep).

How long will it take to grow and have i planted it correctly?
I've never heard of burying the rhizome when planting water lilies, unless I'm reading it wrong and the stones are to hold the rhizome down. In any case, it should start putting out new leaves in a couple days-week.
Yes, the stones are only supposed to hold the root down and stop it falling out. The crown of the root is sticking out of the stone topping.
i bought one of those last year and it did really well, flowered in the summer!! :D
They should pop up soon for you. Remember to feed them and start them in a shallow area. The deeper of water they are in the longer it takes.. and sometimes they wont grow. :)

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