How long to treat white spot?


New Member
Jun 13, 2004
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I have just seen two of my lovely swordtails that I just purchased have white spots. I am currently treating them. How long do I need to treat them before I can assume they are disease-free?
tstenback said:
about 2 weeks after the spots are gone should put you in safe territory. HTH :)
Good advice. You def need to continue treating for a while after the visible spots are gone as the dreaded thing might still be in your water.
WOW I didn't know you had to treat ich for that long after the spots were gone I guess you do learn some thing new every day. :p
after the spots go away i keep treating it iwth teh ich medicine for a few days (like 2 or 3 dyas), and then i treat the tank with salt and stop the ich medicine for the next week or so.
It's because if the ich on the fish leaves, it's not necessarily gone. The parasites reproduce after the spots fall off, so if you discontinue treating after the spots are no longer visible, the parasites are going to be free swimming, but very much alive.

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