How Long to Treat and Did I Do It Right???


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Redlands, Ca
Trying new stuff here so bare with me.

I have 2 half gallon betta bowls.
Trying out this Amquel and Novaqua. Not sure abou the measurements.
I filled a 2 1/2 gallon bucket with tap water and let it sit for 2 days, then added 1/4tsp ph decrease to keep ph at 7, 1/4tsp Amquel, 1/4 tsp Novaqua. and mixed well.

Then washed the betta bowls in scalding hot water to make sure it was clean, and then added 1/2 tsp aquarium salt to each tank

Then read directions for bettamax it says one capsule for betta bowls and to mix it with one quart water (4 cups) so i did and it says to use 1 part bettamax to 2 parts water. i couldnt quite figure the maths on that so i poured 2 cup into each bowl and topped with fresh water.

So i did this and waited the 3 days like it said and did it again and will wait 3 more days then should i just give them regular water after that???????

Im worried I might have over doesed them or maybe i did a good job, I just want some feed back and any suggestions you might have.
Also people with knowledge on the measurements of the chemicals please fill me in and give suggestions.

I only did this cause Quark has fin rot and bettafix wasnt helping after 3 different attemps, and Dalek was getting listhless and crimped fins so i treated him too. Plus when i bought Dalek he had a hole in his dorasl fin and since then it has ripped and not healed.

any other suggestions for treatment is welcomed.

I do change the water every three days regardless of the treatments as it seems Quark is extra sensitive to ammonia, hence the purchase of Amquel.

Thanks again for all the help I know you will give.
I really hope someone will read this and help me. I noticed lots of people have viewed this but know one knows anything. I post hear cause you guys know alot about this stuff and im learning so much from yall. :(
It hurts that i post something serious and im being ignored. I know im new i cant give advice to others and ive never had bettas before. :-(
I just thought that this forum was to help and talk to others about betta keeping. :no:

so does anyone know anything about my previous post???????? :dunno:
cause i dont???????? im at a loss and yall are all i have. :-(

all i do is give em water and let em sit in it for awhile and poor em in...

i dont do ne thing to the water usually
like you said it is hard to get the exact measurements for an odd gallon size and all the jumble that they write on the back of the bottle. Looks to me you did a good job. If you can purchase a test kit if you already havent so you can make sure that the ammo. and nother stuff is ok. The amquel and aquanova you can measure as easley because it is used for chlorine and slime coat.

All in all you did a terrific job. IF the fin rot doesnt get better try Melafix instead and see what happens because that works good for me.

Hope all gets well.
I have some half gallon tanks in fact i perfer them when i am treating fish...When I use bettamax i make a tonic using a half gallon of water and one capsule of bettamax. Then i add 50/50 tonic to water aquarium salt and conditioner... It has worked for fish are fine with it and if i am correct it is what the back of the bettamax box says to do. it seems like your directions are different than the ones on my box...however i did a little maths and you are pretty much right on with the two cup dose, in fact a little on the light end according to my rough estimate you could do about two and a half cups. Hope this helped. You sound like you are doing a good job to me. Keep an eye on Dalek and those crimped fins....examine his gills etc....because i know that clamped fins can be a sign of parasites (not that is always is) so just make sure that you give him a good long once over and make sure everything is functioning to be on the safe side. I hope your fish get better. :(
Don't worry about overdosing on BettaMax, I really don't think it's an exact science. Just keep adding some with each water change for a while. Maybe two weeks or so.You could also start dechlorinating your water a day before you use it. You may have better luck that way. If everybody is eating and swimming around they'll more than likely be just fine :) They're lucky to have such a concerned keeper :D
Well I guess i did do it right somewhat.

Thanks for all the replys.
Dalek has had crimped fins since i bought him he acts normal and his fins flare nicely when he flares up. The thing is he doesnt like to flare.

Thanks again toall sorry to seem so pushy.

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