How Long To Keep Rehomed Common Plecs


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Devon - UK
I got 2 common plecs with my the second hand tank i got the other day

My largest tanks are a rio 300 (was sold as a 240 :) ) i measured approx 48" x 20 " x 24" (online measurements 121cm x 51cm x 62cm )

and a 35" radius 26" deep corner cylinder tank (works out to just over 400 litres)

THEY are both approx 4" from nose to tail at the moment - measured when stuck on the glass lol - so what length would they be when they need to be rehomed - i would never buy these due to the size they get but they are really cute
I got 2 common plecs with my the second hand tank i got the other day

My largest tanks are a rio 300 (was sold as a 240 :) ) i measured approx 48" x 20 " x 24" (online measurements 121cm x 51cm x 62cm )

and a 35" radius 26" deep corner cylinder tank (works out to just over 400 litres)

THEY are both approx 4" from nose to tail at the moment - measured when stuck on the glass lol - so what length would they be when they need to be rehomed - i would never buy these due to the size they get but they are really cute

Rehomed now otherwise your going to have problems getting rid when there bigger. niether tank would be bigg enough really to house 1 of them at full size not with the other stocking list anyways.
Realistically your tanks are probably bigger than many other people would have anyway so rehoming may not be in the best interests for the fish. Someone else with less knowledge might try to keep them in a smaller tank...
they should be ok till about 9/10" in yor size tanks but like jenclibee says nobody wants them so big or just can't rehome them because they dont have bigenough setups. i would take them but its way too far away
how long before they get to 10"'s as i'm planning on getting 10x2x2 tank into the shed in the next year and will be upgrading 300litre 4ft to a 6x2x2 within 2 years
they should be around that size begining of next year but sometimes they do grow slower and vise versa i would say feb march next year they will be around the 10" mark as you have got fairly big tanks anyway so they should be fine untill then

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