French girl
I got fry 4 time but I never see my fish give birth. I long they take from the first to the last fry?
I got 3 new swordtails yesterday! 1 black female, 1 green female(I think Swordtail) ,1 male green.But the male look kind of blue under the light. Can he be a neon swordtail??
20 gallon
6 swordtails 2 male 3 females+1 female in breeder net
2 Neon tetra
1 golden algea eater
1 corydory panda
1 guppy female
2.5 gallon bowl
2 female swordtails (1 hurt,1 in breedernet
2 gallon
5 guppies fry
60 swordtails fry
10 gallon NEW (cycle)
I got 3 new swordtails yesterday! 1 black female, 1 green female(I think Swordtail) ,1 male green.But the male look kind of blue under the light. Can he be a neon swordtail??
20 gallon
6 swordtails 2 male 3 females+1 female in breeder net
2 Neon tetra
1 golden algea eater
1 corydory panda
1 guppy female
2.5 gallon bowl
2 female swordtails (1 hurt,1 in breedernet
2 gallon
5 guppies fry
60 swordtails fry
10 gallon NEW (cycle)