Fish Herder

My problem is this... All thses fish are new.. some 7 days some 2 days...this guppy being one of the ones who has been with me in isolation for 2 days.
I was aware she was preggers when I brought her home but over the last 2 days she seems huge and very square

As the 3 platies and other guppy that is with her are in isolation and the platies won't be out into the main tank until sunday... does anyone think she will give birth before then

She seems quite heavy today...not swimming as much as she did before almost as if she was tired. She keeps resting her tail every so often... is this is a sign that the birth is soon or am I just threating about nothing. I don't want to have to put her in a breeding net if at all possible as she has had enough stress over the last week. And there is plenty of cover for the babies in the tank.
Just hope she can hold out a few more days until i get greedy guts into the other tank.. what do you guys thinks.. i'm new to the livebearing thing